Professional Development with Redwood Schools

Bring Redwood experts to your school.

Your professional growth can be tailored to focus on your school's highest priorities.

What could professional development look like for you?

Mix & match or take them all.

All of these options can be held in-person or virtually, over the course of one hour or throughout the year, it’s completely up to you.

Learn what it might feel like to have dyslexia.

Building empathy and understanding for our students with this presentation.

Did you know there are different types of dyslexia?

Learn more about phonological, surface, rapid naming, and double deficit dyslexia and the ways you can best support it.

Which programs should you invest in?

Often times there is more than one. Learn about print-to-speech and speech-to-print options to figure out which one feels best.

Comprehension strategies

Learn about the 5 reading strategies to introduce to students.

Make & Takes

Instant gratification! Teachers can make-and-take activities that will help support students in their classroom with learning differences.

Watch us in action!

Watch Redwood Literacy specialists model a structured literacy lesson.

Introduction to Case Studies 

How to begin case studies and then monitor, track and summarize them.

Sound & Symbol

It’s important to connect them. Learn how to make sure this is happening in your classroom.

Assistive Technology is NOT cheating.

Learn about why assistive technology is important in leveling the playing field for students with learning differences.

Learn more about Assistive Technology @ Redwood here!

It’s not all about reading and writing. d

Math can be challenging for students with dyslexia as well. Learn more about multi-model math instruction that will be a game-changer for all students.

Dyslexia 101 d

Are you just learning about dyslexia? Welcome! This is a great first step. Learn what dyslexia is and is not and begin the journey of supporting those students that might be in your classroom already.

When is a student ready to move forward?

Learn how to determine mastery and feel confident in your decision to move a student forward.

How to use what you already have in your classroom.

Let’s dive into Decodable vs Non-controlled text, Decodable vs. Fontas and Pinnell reading plus gain access to our grade level recommended book lists!

the assessment process for identifying learning disorders

Learn more about the assessment process and recommend effective courses of action for students.

Check out our upcoming Redwood events.

We would love to have you!

Writing Our World d

For schools that have purchased purchased Redwood Literacy’s Writing Our World curriculum and are interested in personalized launch support and professional development for their staff.

Let’s Talk!
(773) 915-3366

5959 N. Sheridan rd.
Chicago, IL 60660